.. _s390x: IBM Mainframe S390X =================== Our JIT implements the 64 bit version of the IBM Mainframe called s390x. Note that this architecture is big endian. Currently supported ISAs: * z13 (released January 2015) * zEC12 (released September 2012) * z196 (released August 2010) * z10 (released February 2008) To check if all the necessary CPU facilities are installed on the subject machine, please run the test using a copy of the pypy source code:: $ ./pytest.py rpython/jit/backend/zarch/test/test_assembler -v -k 'test_facility' In addition you can run the auto encoding test to check if your Linux GCC tool chain is able to compile all instructions used in the JIT backend:: $ ./pytest.py rpython/jit/backend/zarch/test/test_auto_encoding.py -v Translating ----------- Specifically check for these two dependencies. On old versions of some Linux distributions ship older versions. * libffi (version should do > 3.0.+). * CPython 2.7.+.